Back-to-School Gemstone Set
Back-to-School Gemstone Set
Going back to school can be stressful for many, even parents, too! These stones have helped our own families throughout the years and we wanted to share our power pack with you.
Each will come with our signature Aquamarine Moon and Cyan drawstring sack to carry in your backpack or purse.
They will include one of each of the following intuitively chosen stone:
Fluorite - Holds metaphysical properties of assisting with focus on studies, concentration, organization and mental processing
Unicorn Stone - Great all-around stone having properties of creating calm, peace, and relaxation
Carnelian - When in possession, can be used as a tool for confidence and a boost of energy
Black Tourmaline - A stone that holds properties of protection and grounding
Rose Quartz - Metaphysical properties for emotional healing for drawing in love, creating self-love and self-acceptance
Smoky Quartz - Grounding stone which has properties to calm emotions and fear
Aquamarine - Has properties for calming the mind and sharpening the intellect
For an additional $8, you can add a worry stone of your choice:
Howlite - Teaches patience and strengthens mind, stimulates a desire for knowledge
Lepidolite - Holds metaphysical properties of reducing stress and depression
Fluorite (Heart Shape Only) - See above
Rose Quartz - See above
Moss Agate - Properties of Mother Earth, tranquility and emotional balance
Clear Quartz (Heart Shape Only) - Amplifies any stone, metaphysical properties for aiding in concentration
Ocean Jasper - Properties of the Ocean, relaxing vibes, which can create the reduction of stress and tension
Tiger's Eye - Having this in possession, some claim they are able to pay attention to detail, which can make this something that could be used during tests
Crazy Lace Agate - Known as the happy stone
Bloodstone (Heart Shape Only) - Metaphysical properties for calming the mind